

Growth Real Estate Investment Fund Backed by Real Estate Notes

Real Estate Investing Opportunities

ILS Capital Growth Fund

ILS Growth Real Estate Investment Fund is designed to produce a superior rate of return by investing in real estate notes issued for fix and flip and commercial real estate development projects.  These notes introduce a slightly higher level of risk with the corresponding potential for higher returns since these projects all have a construction component and no current income.  This fund is available to accredited investors only.

The potential high returns of investing in the most aggressive type of real estate deals appeals to many people seeking growth investment opportunities.  Finding distressed properties at incredible values, renovating them back into marketable assets, and ultimately selling them for profit has in many ways become a modern day gold rush.  However,  pursuing this line of work may not be as easy as it looks on TV.  Getting it right takes careful planning, advanced financial analysis, and flawless timing where even the smallest mistake can prove disastrous.

ILS Capital, through our Investor Loan Source lending operations and our many years of real estate investing and lending experience, has created highly successful procedures that greatly mitigate the risk of lending for these types of projects.  We carefully size up every deal, complete a comprehensive property valuation and borrower vetting process and then, and only then, loan at 70% or less of the value we calculate. Our lending track record has resulted in default and foreclosure levels far below industry standards.

Growth Real Estate Investment Fund

For these types of Real Estate projects, our notes have a duration of up to 60 months at higher interest rates than other longer-term loans.


Money can be locked up for a minimum of 12 months (with 90 day notice) and partnership distributions are made monthly. The target return for this fund is 10%+


For accredited investors seeking a growth investment that produces higher returns, private debt funds like this are outstanding investment opportunities.  The ILS Growth Fund enables investors to make a minimum of $50,000 investment to actively invest in the notes granted by Investor Loan Source.  The fund may also invest in undervalued properties with the potential to be sold at a profit.


The ILS Growth Fund has no baseline management fees.  We’ve structured all of our capital investment offerings around real estate investments that we've seen perform in many economic markets.  The fund does have a Performance Bonus component that is only paid as a minor percentage of profits.  The fees are structured in this way as a promise to our investors that we’ll only make money after they make money.

Unmatched Services. Unmatched Excellence.

ILS Growth Fund

Growth Real Estate Investment Fund Backed By Real Estate Notes

Minimum Investment Amount: $50,000

Management Fee: None

Performance Bonus: 20%

Distributions: Monthly option to either take distribution or roll into additional units, thus increasing annual yield through compounding

Minimum Lock-Up Period: 12 months (principal withdrawal available on a monthly basis after 1 year subscription with a 90 day notice)

Net return to investors last 3 months: 10.972%

Net return to investors last 6 months: 10.860%

Net return to investors last 12 months: 10.798%

(As of June 30, 2024)

For a passive solution to investing in one of the most lucrative areas of real estate, the ILS Growth Fund is a great choice.

Call us today or complete the form below to learn more about our Growth Real Estate Investment Fund as well as our other innovative private debt funds and real estate equity offerings.


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